Bolshakov Boris Evgenievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, full member of RANS, head of Sustainable Innovative Development Department of “Dubna” University, co-head of International scientific school of sustainable development n.a. P.G. Kuznetsov
Shamaeva Ekaterina Fedorovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent of Sustainable Innovative Development Department of “Dubna” University, member of International scientific school of sustainable development n.a. P.G. Kuznetsov
Buranova Aydana Tabyldievna, post-graduate student of Sustainable Innovative Development Department of “Dubna” University, lecturer at the NGEO “Kazakhstan university of innovation and telecommunication systems”
Madi Dameli Magauiyakyzy, post-graduate student of Sustainable Innovative Development Department of “Dubna” University, lecturer at the NGEO “Kazakhstan university of innovation and telecommunication systems”
The article gives a formulation of the problem of development of natural-science system of sustainable development indicators, illustrates the method of calculating the indicators on the examples of Russia and Kazakhstan, reveals the possibility of mapping. Model of industrial-innovation, sustainable development of the country are constructed on the basis of predictive scenarios. The prospects of development of design technology for sustainable development of regions, branches and enterprises through the training of competent personnel in the field of sustainable innovative development and design automation are noted.
KEYWORDS: sustainable innovative development, design and management in system “nature – society – human”, natural-science indicators of a sustainable development, School of sciences of a sustainable development.