Editorial Board (Acting)

Chief Editor


Petrov Andrey Evgenievich

Doctor of Engineering (05.13.01 Systems analysis, management and information processing), full member of RANS, professor of Design Automation Department at the NUST MISIS, professor of the Sustainable Innovative Development Department at the State University “Dubna”

Contacts: journal@rypravlenie.ru
+7 496 216 61 09

Deputy Chief Editor


Shamaeva Ekaterina Fyodorovna

Candidate of Engineering (05.13.01 Systems analysis, management and information processing), associate professor of the Sustainable Innovative Development Department at the State University “Dubna”

Contacts: shamef-kate@yandex.ru
+7 496 216 61 09

Members of Editorial Board (Acting)


Gaponov Alexey Alexeevich

Counselor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), Head of the Sustainable Development Design Department of the RANS, First Deputy Chairman of the NGO Moscow Public Council of Civil Society, President of the Foundation for the Preservation and Development of the Russian Civilization “Svetoslav”, full member of the Russian Geographical Society, full member of the Union of Russian journalists, editor-in-chief of the social-political newspaper “Power, Society, People!”, chairman of the editorial board of the scientific-educational newspaper of the Russian Space Society “Nature – Society – Man”, assistant of the Chief Editor

Contacts: gaponov@cosmatica.org


Goryunova Ekaterina Alexandrovna

postgraduate of the Sustainable Innovative Development Department at the State University “Dubna”, executive secretary, assistant of the Chief Editor

Contacts: kata1392@mail.ru
+7 496 216 61 09


Popov Eugene Borisovich

technical editor, proofreader, informational support, web-master

Contacts: mc.insekt@gmail.com
+7 496 212 73 68 add. 213